Do you speak Czurmese?

Be honest: you don’t.

But if you are brave enough to face the encounter and creative alliance of cultures as different as the Burmese and the Czech, you are almost perfectly qualified to join us in this blog.

Writing Burma in a lighter way

We are continuously recruiting new authors who will contribute content and spirit. All you need to embark on this quest is a genuine interest in Burma and our work, the ability to write enjoyable and lively pieces, and a deep-rooted aversion to disrespect, defamation, and humiliating language. We are searching for authors who share our ideas about a free and prosperous Burma for all of its people and enthusiasm for our work.

We expect that our authors will write about Burma and Burmese in our lives, in our thoughts, in our dreams, and about the activities of Burma Center Prague. How much you write is up to you. English, Czech, French, German, Burmese … we are open to innovation.

As soon as we have agreed on cooperation, we will create your own blog as a subfolder on this site. You will be the editor of your blog and can even choose the design from several templates.

If  we notice that your blog has been abandoned or is deteriorating, both in terms of quantity or quality, we will request that you find a new home for your brainchild. Of course, all of your articles will always remain only yours and you are free to finish and close down your blog at any time. We particularly insist that you don’t break any laws, including those of copyright, but excluding those of the Union of Myanmar, and that you don’t overestimate our technical skills in maintaining the software and providing assistance.

Still interested?

If you read until here you should probably contact us to tell us your ideas and find out more.